reguarding a junior member!

maybe i do have only 38 posts. so? whats the big deal. i could care less if it was cleaned and rebuilt and bushings, etc. i do my own work, i do not trust anyone elses work. i did not neglect to mention anything, it was all listed in the e-gag auction if you read it. i would pay maybe $50 for a rebuildable one. and that maybe a bit much. as far as 71deamons comments , every one dickers prices. you do not go to carlisle and pay what someone is asking for a part. everyone asks more for what they are selling cause they know someone will offer less. if someone pays what they are asking, well, the seller makes out and the buyer is stupid. goody for him. he got what he was asking, poor sucker. i am not pissed off right now, the remarks were uncalled for. a simple no thank you is good enough, or do not reply at all. i am also on other web sites and i respect peoples feelings. i am not in this for an arguement, hemi71x TOLD me to look at his auction to see what the part would look like, otherwise i would not have seen what he responded to. i have better things to do with my life. sorry for the rant, i'm done.

Didn't know what? He got the price he was asking. The one he offered you was cleaned and fully rebuilt with pressed in bushings and stud. You neglected to mention that. That's about $40 labor pressing/cleaning, $15 parts, $25 shipping (post office isn't free last time I checked). So that about a $95 LCA, compared to a bare un-rebuilt LCA fresh out of car.

If someone had one for $95 down the street from you would that be a "ripoff" ?

These almost always go in pairs. So when you buy singles the price goes up.

The ebay questions from 71deamon were uncalled for too. That buyer is trying to go back and forth with offers. He trying to circumvent the whole auction process. It's and Ebay auction. That's what the auction is for. I agree hemi71x's reply was over the top. But one offer is enough, dickering back and forth has no place in an Ebay Q&A. hemi71x's is reacting by blowing off his fustration and anger.

It happens... just like you are pissed right now and trying to ban a member from this site.

hemi71x has been in this hobby a long long time. He's original owner of a 71 383 'Cuda that he put and ungodly amount of miles on and drove daily (even to the junkyards). He's not a rich E-body guy.

hemi71x was as auto mechanic all his life and wrenched on F-4 fighter planes in the military before that. He bought a 71 GTX 30 years ago when they were affordable, fixed it up, and drove the heck out it afterwards. He sold it and now he's retired from wrenching. That line of work takes a toll on your body and doesn't exactly have a state pension plan. Maybe you can relate?

hemi71x participates in the hobby, not just someone that's in it to make a buck. Drives his cars 1000 miles to shows, participate in clubs, etc. He may not answer a lot of question on FABO, but he does on other sites. Some people don't have the time to have 10,000 posts on 10 different sites.

I don't see hemi71x constantly bumping his ads here like alot of sellers do. And he's not fronting parts of other large used parts sellers with bad rep's like some do here. His user-name is the same as his ebay name and same as his user-name on other sites. AND his lists he actual name in his user ID.

Anyway.... what someone says to a second party (not even you) some place else has absolutely know jurisdiction on banning someone here on FABO. It's possible there were more things said regarding that Ebay auction than posted on Ebay, since hemi71x is on other web boards and lists his email.

And your title says "regarding a junior member!" You only have 38 post yourself?