reguarding a junior member!

Wow, i feel like Tiger Woods here with all the controversy that has gotten stirred up.
I had no idea what has been going on here until one really opionated member sent me an annonomus e mail very late the other night, and i had no clue where it came from.
So my low post count means that i am a junior member. Ok, so be it. Doesn't take into the fact that i have been lurking under the radar on this site for quite a long time and decided to sit down at the computer table one rainy California day and register on this site also, and make it official.
There is more to this story than this FABO member charger1969 is up in arms about.
That e Bay member that tried to beat me up on my price for my rebuilt lower control arms also tried to low ball me on my other auction also. I got sick and tired of his constant e mails with this offer, then another offer, and how about XXXXX amount of dollars and you include the shipping too.
Well after all that i got ticked off and wrote a reply to him to leave me alone, and like,it or lump it on the price.
I just ticks me off to no end when someone tries to beat me down on the price of parts.
Where i made my error, i check off the box on the e Bay page where you can have your reply show up as a response so all e bay members can read it.
Now that everyone has read it, they are right, i should have used other words in my response to that guy. Sorry for all that.
Everyone that isn't an auto mechanic, plumber, carpenter, computer repairman, thinks one has to work for free or near minimum wage. That ain't going to happen.
If i am extremely fortunate in finding 40 year old parts these days , especially unrusted, suspension, and brake pars, it is a rarity now a days.
If i find them at a Pick-N-Pull they cost me $70.00 Parts, core chare, enviornmental charge, tax.
Then if you figure it takes an hour to an hour and a half pulling them off the car with basic hand tools, you figure my time is worth $40.00
Parts cost another $40.00 for the bushings. Then there is cleaning, press work. How about $40.00 for that too. So now were up to $190.00 for the pair.
After all that is said and done, im making a whopping $50.00 profit.
Hardly seems worth it, after buying tools like a hydraulic press, a decent bench vise, air die grinder, air hammer, or even a welder, and other professional tools.
So if charger1969 pays his rent for free, or goes to the grocery store for free, why doesen't he do this and give me some competition. I don't see anyone else doing what i'm doing. The more the merrier. Seems to me there would be enough work to go around. Someone has to do this professionally for the ones that aren't capable, or the ones that don't have the tools to get it done.
Well, i guess i have said enough.