1 Of 53 1969 Barracuda 383s Factory 4 Speed 4 Trade

Personally, I like unrestored, driver type vehicles. They dont have to be spotless, all shiney, show only type vehicles. I've never owned a show quality vehicle, and never will. I like to drive them, enjoy them as they were made to be enjoyed, not worry about every little paint chip and piece of bug crap.

What condition are you going to trade it? You said the engine is being refreshed. Will that get finished? Will the engine be put back into the car so that it runs and drives? Or do you just want to stop and trade it the way it is?

There will be a lot less people willing to take it if its a roller, even thought the engine comes with it. Most transportation companies dont want to deal with it if it wont move under its own power. If they do, they charge twice as much. And if the engine isnt in it, forget it. Now you are talking about a specialty company that will charge three times as much to move it.

So unless you put it back together, you're going to lose your shirt. But if you put it back together, then you have a running, driving car already.

So just put it back together and drive it as is. Fix it up a little more every time you have a couple extra bucks to spend on it. Meanwhile, listen to the exhaust, bang some gears, and try to figure out where Detroit went wrong.