72 Dart Swinger

Just had a conversation with an interested person on the Dart, nothing final yet.

You have heard of buyers remorse, you know you buy something and then wish you hadn't.

Well I haven't even made a deal yet and am having sellers remorse, sorry to bore all with my little whining, just bummed out about the situation wants vs needs, you all know what I am talking about.

Probably the best automotive project in the raw I have ever had an I miss my Dart already and I still got it!

The wife was saying maybe I should keep it and just wait longer to get the garage done, man I am twisting in the wind here.

Big rough tough tattooed biker, decorated combat vet of two wars and freaking whining about a car, man I am losing it, they better check my meds again.

Sorry to sound all sissy like and stuff, I never pine for bikes I have built and sold, I just build another.....but this is different....this is my dart we are talking about. Man what a wuss I am.
