How to get my car into 12 seconds?

Do you like girls?

Seriously…. Do you like girls?

Let me clue you in……. You are 17, part time job and live at home. You don't need a car that runs in the 12s.

What you do need is a reliable care to take a girl out in.

Change your game plan, my friend. Be happy with a nice reliable mid 14.

Things that will make a girl find a new guy……. You working on your car all the time. You never having any money because of your car.

It all comes down to this……….

You can run 12s and touch yourself.


You can run 14s and be touched.

Agreed...I'm a 21 year college student and I have trouble even affording my 17 second slant-six racing obsession (even though I have been pretty successful and have won a few thousand dollars) . I would have no life if I was able to get my car down to 12 seconds. Take my advice, run your car as is, have a life, and realize that you have all of your life to get that beast down to 12 seconds. I have spent much of my youth (16-21) not working on the Dart too much, but chasing some track championships. Sure it's cool to be recognized for that stuff, but I did miss out on a social life for a while.