Anyone that ever wanted to shoot the P.O? =D

I sure would have liked it. I thought I'd share thhe story of my car and it would be fun to here some of the same =D

It all started when I found an ad for a newly restored '66 dart in the right price range of what I was looking for so I went 300kilometers the next day to pick it up. Well there the beloved P.O stated that the car was in really good condition which absolutely couldn't argue with, nice paint, clean engine compartment receits for over 4000USD and dark as hell since it had turned into night before I were there. The only problem he said there was were that the driveshaft vibrated a little. Well I paid him what he asked and started driving home first thing I noticed was that those "small" vibrations were quite big over 40mph but I didn't think much of it since i have access to a workshop i thought "bah, it's crooked i'll just straighten it". No problems what so ever on the whole trip. But the next day when I started inspecting it closer I noticed these things in the following order.

- He had redone the electrical system in the car, and he hadn't done it very well... No fuses what so ever, they were simply replaced with copperwire.

- The driveshaft was shortened due to him swapping to a 8,75 and the cut was point blank in the middle of the axle, no wonder it vibrates I thought.
Took it to the workshop

-Pulled the dipstick from the engine to check the oil, brown foam all over it, water in the oil...

-No kickdown linkage or wire what-so-ever....

-Home made brake pedal

-Absolutely rust free though so still a good car i thought, still quite happy with the buy since ou can't buy a car this old and expect it to be in good shape...

The point where I got really angry was when I got my now-straight driveshaft from the workshop and noticed that when I pushed it as far as possible into the gearbox it was 5" to the rear axle! I'm just bloody lucky that the whole thing didn't jump out when I drove it! :angry7:

That's where it stand now, my friend is still in the progress of lengthening the driveshaft for me.

Best regards to you!