Wooped a Ricer...

Ok, well I have to admit that I got that itch tonight on my way home from work. I was heading home real late (about 12:45am) in my dart. And when leaving a stop light (this is on a 6 lane road with no traffic in sight) this silver Subaru WRX STI gets beside me and jumps on it. Well, I have not had the Dart to the track yet and I just got the new headers and X-pipe in so I havent ran it much even just drivers, So im not sure how well it will pull. So, I figure WHAT THE HELL, lets do this.. Right off the bat, I pull him: First gear he's at my front quarter, second gear at my door and when I hit 3rd he just starts drifting back slowly. We run for just under about a 1/4 mile and I decide I have won and let off.

Now, I was a little impressed if I do say so myself. Considering that the WRX Sti runs a 13.4 quarter stock (14.2 with a crappy driver). My dart is way out of tune, has a mild cam and is running on 92 octane. I do think my saving grace was the single plane intake and the X-pipe, becuase at about 3000 she just opens up and keeps going stong through about 6000 rpms.

I just love the look on these kids faces when they loose to GOOD OLD AMERICAN (MOPAR) MUSCLE.... Now, I know there are gonna be a few people that are gonna say "leave it at the track" and trust me, I normally do, by this just had to be done and I figured it was a fairly safe time to do it.