Winter time model building thread.

It would be cool if there were still old time hobby shops around...

Yeah, sure would. I remember as a kid walking about a mile (uphill both ways in 6-foot snowdrifts in SoCal. LOL!!!) to the local hobbyshop, Victory Hobby Shop, on Whittier Blvd. in Montebello, CA. I spent a lot of time in there gazing at all the cool kits I dreamed of building. They carried all the plastic (ships, planes, cars) and also HO trains in the back part of the shop. The neat thing was it was less than a block to the city park in one direction and less than a block in the other direction to the neighborhood ice cream shop (Curries). Good times!
We've got a couple of really good shops close to us here in SoCal. Ultimate Hobbies ( in Orange, CA, caters mostly to the RC crowd but has a very good selection of current plastic and paints. Prestige Hobbies ( in Anaheim, CA, is mostly diecast but has an excellent selection of both current and out-of-production plastic kits. They also have a complete selection of plastic paints. Neither carries much in the way of photo etch detail parts.
Check out the following pics of the diecast 1/6-scale replica of the old Greer-Black-Prudhomme dragster at Prestige Hobbies. Over 28" long. Pics don't do it justice as it's gorgeous.
This is #19 of only 300 that were made. Price tag is $1800. I told the owner I'll be sticking to smaller scales since the $1800 is better spent on the build of my '69 Dart.
Enjoy the pics.






