I Want To Kill Someone.

Damn that sucks!! A kid in my neighborhood thought it would be "funny" to throw black rustoleum oil based paint on my Duster ..... an entire pint! Glass TIres, Cragers, go wing, roof, hood, trunk but they missed the passenger door!!! The cops in st clair shores, Mi said " there is nothing we can do unless we catch them in the act " NOW that boys & girls is the single largest load of manuer I have ever seen or heard!! BUT because of todays "adjusted LAWS" because of "liberal parenting" and not being able to smak the lil bastards without being attacked by child protective services..... we are NOW realizing that our parents who actually punished us, were not insane child abusers....we quickly came to know if we did something "wrong" or "destructive" there were very REAL and typically unpleasant consequences....a skosh past a "time out" or a go to your room ( which has every known electronic form of entertainment including the internet)......you got to scrub the basement floor with a tooth brush every saturday & sunday until it was DONE! and OH my god we learned to RESPECT others property!! WHAT a horrible CRIME of abuse!!! Live with it kiddies!! we are the parents NOW and this is very CLEARLY our fault for being so dammned lenient!!!

PS not to be an ***...but why on earth would you leave a gem like that outside, uncovered on the street overnight? I learned my lesson, cost me 6k to clean up my Duster and get the paint work redone.....NOW I put it away if I am DOG tired...i'll bet you will too from now on.

Condolences on the loss....I know all too well how it feels to be violated like that...