I Want To Kill Someone.

goddamn thats horrid! i cannot believe someone could have the gull to walk to that scamp and think gee that rock should be through the window. being a SWenior in High school i wanted to say "hey dont assume its a teenager" but i kno my peers. theyd do it, though ive no idea why. real sorry bout that mess. hope it gets fixed up and the offenders pay dearlly

also i vote a slow death, such as a 12 gauge shotgun takin both feet, then knees, then hips, as so on in that manner until they bleeed out....then shoot some more into the pea-sized brain for fun!

sorry if that was outa line, just saw red when i saw the pictures.

if you find the idiots who did it, tell em Ryan said:thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm: times a million