air cleaner base needed

Sounds very much like the 273 stock cover. So they came with the afb 4 barrel base. Not easy to find solo. Did not come in AVS Holley base pattern.
Now that you mention it, the 300L did have an AFB carb on it.

Go down to the parts store & pick up one of those cheapo 10" chrome air cleaners.
Scrap the top and use the base. It works great on those 11" unsilenced cleaners.
I guess thats what I'll have to do. Shame to buy a new air cleaner just for the base, but it will be too much work for me to fabricate one when a new one is cheap enough.
Question, will there be enough clearance around the filter with a 10" base and an 11" housing? It's on a 440 with a mild solid cam and a big Holley carb.

Thanks for the history lesson guys. Appreciated.
