65 Valiant rear window install

What kind of sealer did you use? When I had my windshield put back in by the glass company they said that they could not put any type of vulcanizing sealer in it.

I did some research and chrysler never used any sealant before 66, the lock strips were so wide that the rubber from the gasket actually dug into the metal channel to form the seal.

If there is something I would like to know what it is so I can pull my windshields out and reseal them.

They did use a sealer, it was like dum dum, I've never seen a car that didn't have some sort of sealer and every early A I've owned had it. I used 3M bedding/glazing, it comes in a tube. I'm not sure who sells it, I get mine from a buddy who owns a glass shop. It's a non hardening sealer made for sealing rubber window mouldings.

You need to be generous along the inside of the gasket where it seals along the body flange as you install it, this is where they are prone to leak, and then put a small beed along the inside of the glass channel before you lay the glass inplace.

The original lock strips are not available, the new ones they sell are just Chevy truck lock strips and they are narrower than the originals.