I Want To Kill Someone.

cudahemida.... I am not sure I get you? if the options are: 1. No oNE gets punished, then why bother to even look for them or why do anything if you see them do it? 2. Punish the parents : the same parents who let their teen kids wander the streets without knowing where they were or what they were doing.... I OPT for #2!!
Parents have to realize THIER KIDS ARE NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY, and they need to start taking responsibility for the way thier kids were raised! You let your kid become a destructive asshole, YOU pay the piper! It should be very apparent to every parent that didnt want to, or does not discipline their kid....TIME OUTS DO NOT WORK if they did we would not have the over crowding issue in our prison system right now. Dr Spoks book does tho...but dont read it, turn it sideways and use it to paddle thier behinds...like the old joke says if you dont get the donkeys attention it will never do what you want or need it to do.
Destruction like this is often considered humorous during the act, that kid has not been raised to respect ANYTHING, even his own stuff is at risk WHY would he care about your stuff?? a few programs to get a handle on how kids are raised and the RESULTS: that ultimate nanny program and on the histry channel, Gangland..... that is the direct result of improper or inadequate child raising....both programs are quite un-nerving!! check it out!