Child Restraint conversion.

I'm right there with you Ramenth and Redfish.
Don't get me started on "safety" features of newer cars, for the most part they are "laziness" features.
Don't know how to drive in the rain/snow without spinning your tires? No problem - traction control.
Don't know how to apply the brakes in your car? No problem - ABS
Can't remember to put your seatbelt on? No problem - we'll install a buzzer and a dummy light in the dash to remind you.
Can't be troubled to look behind your car while backing up? We'll install a camera.
Don't know how to parallel park? We'll build a car that will do it for you!!

Don't get me wrong, those things save lives and get people out of bad situations......BUT if people were paying attention in the first place or knew how to drive (knew what their vehicle was capable of doing or not doing) or (I know this is crazy talk) took responsibility for their own safety...
People have taken the increased safety measures as an excuse to be lazy instead of as an insurance policy for "unforeseeable circumstances" ( like a dear running out in front of you or a tree falling onto the road or flying monkeys...well you get the point. )

Now to flip to the other side... There are too many other drivers that you have to worry about NOT to make some sort of safety upgrades along the way. I doubt that very many of us would drive a v8 abody with drum brakes and poly tires on a regular basis on today's roads.

Like I said, I'd consider doing the volvo seat thing to my car if the funds were available.

Whew, Oh, on to discussion of adding shoulder belts to the rear seats.
The retracting mechanism would most likely have to be mounted in/under the rear deck at the corner to allow them to move freely. The lower mounting location would be where the stock lap belts bolt to the floor. The hard part would be making it look like it was stock where the belt routes into the rear deck or sail panel.

As for the grille trim, PM waggin for some advice. He did a nice tutorial on stainless refinishing a while back.