great... stupid walmart.

Ha, that last one kind of made me laugh.

If you want to know why I feel like Wal-Mart is a terrible place let me share with you one story, ( I don't want to bore you with too many, but I have a lot)

Wal-Mart has always been short handed at our store, and they do it on purpose. No department has enough people, and we all knew it. But about a week before the infamous "Black Friday", they hired approximately 15-20 new people. It was a great relief and somewhat exciting, cause we even had a new cart pusher :). So anyways, they go through orientation, fill out all the paperwork, and go through all the computer-based-learning. And after a few days of getting use to their job, black friday rolls around. They work through the 5am-12pm rush, and what do ya know, they survive! But you know what happened the next day? The store manager FIRED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. They just used those people and threw them away like trash. Not one person was kept. And I have plenty more stories such as this. So I hope you somewhat understand.

And I'm not trying to snap back at you or anything, 340_833_dart, (i'm friendly :D) but I wouldn't worry about figuring out if I was a poor performer or complaining all the time. Cause just to throw it out, I stayed in wrestling for 5 years with a repeated state champ as a coach. Conditioning for us wasn't an easy task you just waddle through. Takes a great amount of self discipline. I really don't want to sounds snappy, I just feel I need to defend myself somewhat.