great... stupid walmart.

Not gonna argue with you on the Walmart treating workers as throw aways. My sister worked there. She left after a week when they tried to violate state law and forced her to work through break. Eight hour shift in NY means half hour lunch, two fifteen minute breaks. They refused to give her a break. She went to take one, she got a minute into it and they demanded she go back out on the floor. She didn't even tell them she was leaving, she just walked out.

On the other hand, as a customer, I've been on the other end, too. Two weeks ago I was at Sam's Club (Walmart associate store) when the two cart pushers were standing at the corner of the building shooting the bull and smoking cigarettes. The store was packed. All the carts were in the corrals. The customers had to walk back outside and get his or her own cart. I even heard one of the little $&%@ say "it's Saturday, the customers should know to bring a cart in with them." As he stood there. Shooting the bull and smoking a cigarette.
As I stood with the courtesy girl as she called the manager on my behalf I watched them casually walk to the closest corral and pull out ten carts. Yeah, ten carts between the two of them. The manager got an earful about his workers' attitudes and behavior. When I came out of the store, there were hardly any carts left in the corrals and the kids were on opposite sides of the parking lot.