What is your A Body history, which ones, and how many have you had? Why?

Reading through all of the stories makes me realize how "new" to the game I am :lol: .
I grew up around Mopars, mostly vans at my dad's business. One uncle had a metallic green Demon that I just barely remember.
Another uncle had a 78 dodge tradesman that he ordered new. The van was B5 with a 440 in it, crager SS wheels, and blue velvet interior...bow chicka wow wow. Even my older brother owned a couple of road runners from the 73-74 era.

My brother was dating a girl that lived over by Bradenton and after one of his return trips from visiting her, he walked up to me and said, I found the car that you need to buy... I was 15 at the time but hadn't really started thinking about a car, but when he showed me a picture of a maroon 75 duster with chrome wheels... it was mine. The summers and spring breaks of getting paid for working around the shop had given me just enough for the $1200 price tag ( in early 1981 ). It was a /6 904 but I installed some kickin tunes and tinted the windows before I even had my license. I loved that car. So many good times, but 2 wrecks later it couldn't be saved.
A couple of years later I picked up a 73 with a strong v8, so strong in fact that I couldn't keep up with drive train repairs ( trans, rear end, and multiple broken U-joints ) and sold it to keep code enforcement at bay.
After years of straying, I needed to replace my daily driver for something better, so I decided to look into getting another Duster.
The rational that I used was that I could spend $4000-$5000 for a used POS civic or accord or yadda yadda yadda...OR spend the same amount on something that I wanted.
I found a 73 Duster in need of some attention. Had I really known what I was getting into I probably wouldn't have bought it. That was almost 4 yrs ago.
18 months, countless hours, tedious body work, new quarter panels and umpteen million mods later I have a freaking awesome daily driver ( at least I think so ) :)