Middle Age Spread...Watcha Gonna Do?

I did Go-fish. So far, I'm following a basic exercise going and have been stopped dead in my tracks 3 times now since New Years. Sick, injured, got better, got injured. Love the cycle.

I also got the P90X though I'm only 180 @ 5'9" with a most mild gut. I just like the rutine they have. It mixes it up.

At the age of 38 I was in the best shape of my life.

I followed a simple plan…… I stopped eating like a retard and started lifting weights.

Nothing fancy, just your generic weight bench and my diet plan was simply eating a little less but eating whatever i wanted.

At one point, I was getting heavy and followed that plan after I met my goal. I went up to 215+ lbs and like I said above, at 5'9", that aint to good.

The key was knowleadge. I thought about it before I started lifting and such. Who is in good or better shape? AH! The light bulb came on! Vinny! Vinny is a body builder and my age, how does he do it. So I asked and got schooled. Followed his directions and went to town.

Within 6 months, I droped 50 lbs and looked great. The biggest key is being consistant. The hardest part was the deadication to it while working nights, 3-4 times a week an extra 8 hour shift and being Mr. Mom to my lil'girl at home and yes, cooking dinners, doing the wash, cloths, dishes etc...

It wasn't easy, but I did it.