What is your A Body history, which ones, and how many have you had? Why?

Ah yes, my first love. Being a student at the time, with part-time employment, I was looking for some basic transportation to replace my money-pit, POS 80 Horizon. I ended up at one of those "we give anyone money at exhorbitant rates" places, and they said I was good for $2500. So I looked around for something reliable, but as fate would have it, I passed a 68 FB Barracuda for sale on the highway to my parent's cabin. Asking price was 2300, so I gave the fellow a $100 to hold it. Unfortunately, the finance company was not to keen on giving me money for an "old" car. Fortunately though, my ex's dad towed wrecks for the insurance auctions, and had an 83 Colt writeoff sitting in his driveway. I gave the finance company the VIN, told them it was getting a new windshield so I couldn't bring it by right away for inspection, and they gave me a cheque. Of course, I bought the 68. A year and a half later, while making a payment, the fellow says to me "Hey, I notice that we haven't seen that Colt yet. I tell him, "yeah, after driving it for six months, the engine died, but I was able to trade it for something running" Of course this is a no-no, so he wanted to see it for sure. I took him outside, around the corner (of course), and said this is what I got for it. He must of been a car guy, because he told me I made a great trade lol.
