I Want To Kill Someone.

I OPT for #2!!
Parents have to realize THIER KIDS ARE NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY, and they need to start taking responsibility for the way thier kids were raised! You let your kid become a destructive asshole, YOU pay the piper!

I disagree. I have an out of control step daughter. thinks weed is great, no care for peoples things or her own. tears the hell out of her car and thinks i will just be there to fix it. well news flash to all. she will pay the piper and i would not pay ****.. i did not do it. she may be a minor but i did not tell the child nor let the child do any damages. I can see the childs being sent to juvenile detention or making them work to pay the damages. but you can take and take from them but when they don't car you usually run out of things to take. make them drive to work and home is all they can do. that is what i am dealing with right now. it is tough and they may hate you for it but when you owe money for damages you better damn well get them paid. i feel terrible for your lose. my step daughter would not think twice at times about taking a hammer to one of my cars. i guess that is why they are locked in the shop and she has not access code to get into it.
I hope you catch the kids and there parents let the law handle it and they work to pay it off for you. but i do not believe people should point fingers at the parents for the way a child is. i try like hell to do the right thing but sometimes they are out of hand and call the law on you. kicked them out of the house and they call the law because they are minors. does not help when she is 17 and i am only 28. life can suck at times, but my 3.5 yr old twins have and understand discipline, and already know the love of classic mopar muscle.