74 Dart - Very stiff ride - Help

if the bars were cranked too far, the front end would be too high. i am going to bet there are poly strut rod bushings. the really seem to bind front end movememnt. on my 69 dart i put them in just because i didnt feel like having rubber ones crack in no time, i only had slant six bars with a big block and i couldnt bounce the front more than 3/4" now on my 67 dart i had the same pair of slant six bars with a big block, but rubber bushings and like expected you could really get it bouncing with just your wieght, which is what i wanted for wieght trasnfer. the washers could be backwards on the strut rod bushings too, also making them too tight. i really doubt its the size of torsion bars making it too stiff, especially if they are under 1"