Hows the Auto industry around you ?

Out here in Idaho.... it sux !!!!! I am definatley in the wrong profession right now. I work at a large Dodge dealer..for now.. anyways. I can tell you that none of the dealers - any car makes- are not doing well out here right now. There has been 4 major dealers close doors within a 30 mile radius. I consider myself lucky to be working today. Our car sales are all used cars... not much in the new line going out the door. The service shop (where I am ) has starving mechanics and empty bays. The dealership is advertising and doing all kinds of stuff to get customers to the door..... its not working. I have several buddies that worked in or owned independant car shops.... and are now out looking for work. The car market/industry is all but dead here. I know that this is usually a down month anyways with people trying figure taxes, fuel prices up, and Dodge trying to sell $45K half ton trucks... Is there hope or will I be standing in line before to long. I cant wait for warm weather and broken car A/C repairs to start rolling in... lots of people cant live without the precious A/C ... at least that would provide some biz. The construction marker is also in the pooper... big businesses closed down... which in turn takes biz away from us. (not to get political) but Obamas cash for clunkers program is now biting us all in the ***. Took away a load of biz from the independant shops, took biz away from the parts store -retail and wholesale. It sure helped people get into cars they cant afford and now are being repoed though. Sheesh.... dont mean to rant... just scared.
Whats it like around you ?? Any hope coming down the pipe ??