Having a problem after shipping a part

It`s funny that at this moment I`m going through multiple ordeals with the USPS. On one hand I`ve shipped a guitar to England which the USPS has managed to lose (??), this is through Ebay and the buyer is growing impatient. The USPS has nothing more than the fact that they accepted the package at my local P.O. back in mid January. That`s one PITA! The other is a FABO member sent me a package from Tenn. - Va., this was in mid January. He affixed my address (the actual note I included with payment) to the package and sent it Jan.20.. As of Feb. 9th they could not locate the package. When I called back today, they said they have sent the package back to the sender because they could not recognize the last name on the package. WTF??? Even if it said Donald Duck or Richard Nixon on the package it still should have been delivered. It had my full and correct name and address on it.(?) I`ve had members send things to me just using my screen name without an issue. I`m growing more convinced that my local US Post Office is run by lazy, incompetent, idiots and morons only employed there to fill hiring quotas. It`s no wonder they`re losing money and people are using private carriers (UPS, FedEx) instead of the USPS. You would expect more out of a service run by the Federal Government. Oh, did I really say that?