Having a problem after shipping a part

this was his posts on another forum i read (these are HIS posts I copied and pasted):

A member with a high post count responds, you come to a deal, and you send him a MO, with your shipping address, as the return address on the envelope, and on the USPS money order.

Guy sends you a tracking number, you track it, and see that it says its going to the wrong zip code.

You email the guy, his response is "patience".

Then says he cannot remember what address he sent it too, and he'll get back to you.

Couple days later he says he shipped it to such and such address, your name is misspelled, and the town is wrong, and the zip code had some numbers switched around.

You answer his email, and tell him about it, and for the 5th time give him your address, and ask him to please contact the shipper, and see if he can fix it.

At the same time you call the shipper, and they inform you that it is being sent back to the shipper because of a bad address, and that the shipper will have to call in, or reship the item to the proper address.

You email the guy, he says when it gets back he'll ship it back out.

2 more weeks go by, and the shipping company cannot locate the box, and that the original shipper will have to file a trace.

You email the guy, he says he can't find the tracking number, and will have to look for the receipt in his truck. You forward the tracking number and your address again.

Another week goes by, and you email him asking what is up. A day or so later, he emails back saying the box showed up on his door step, but he's not going to ship it back with out you sending an additional $25 bucks to ship it again, because he claims you gave him the wrong address, and that he gave you such a good deal on the item in the first place.

Now, you have proof that you sent him the correct address 3 times before he even shipped the item. Yet he refuses to admit fault what so ever. So you ask for a refund, and he now wants to deduct the original shipping for the item he sent to the wrong address.