Having a problem after shipping a part


His claim was he recieved the address in a pvt in chat.

He cannot produce any record except what he wrote down, or goes off memory.

Because what he is saying is that I told him the wrong name, city and zip.

I'll have to look at the other site and see what is being said, I am sure they are taking it to childish level.

I told him I was not going to pay out more money as I was already out the initial money he agreed to, and have nothing, and got nothing but the run around, and he's tried bullying me into saying I sent the wrong address.

I asked him for proof, and all he says is "thats what you sent me"

I sent it in a email, the zip was sent for a intitial shipping quote.

It was also on the Money order and return address on the envelope I sent him the MO in.

Is it not reasonable to check the address's before you ship something?

Is it not reasonable to respond to a buyers request to call on the package, when they say "hey, why is this heading to the wrong city?"

He transposed 2 numbers in the zip, and it sent it 3 hours north of me. The post office then sent it to another zip.

All he had to do was get the zip right, and it would have made it to me, with the wrong city, wrong name. I gave him the +4 zip.

I don't think I am out of line, this has been going on for almost 3 months.