the what pisses u off thread

I'll agree with the sideways ballcap. (I do wear mine straight backwards from time to time though.) You know what it looks like? They got ***** slapped so hard they forgot to readjust their hat! Everytime I see a kid like that, I wanna run up, slap the **** outta him just to get his hat straight! :D
<Peter Griffin voice> You know what grinds my gears?
People who drive while talking on the damn phone! Wanna do hands free or have that stupid little bluetooth headset, that's fine. (yes I have one but only use it at home) The ones who hold their phones up to their ears while driving.....they don't pay attention to what the hell they are doing! I can't count how many times I have almost been hit because some <insert extreme expletive here> is too busy talking to watch where they are driving!! And somehow, it's always MY fault! I wish it were legal to beat people like this! I really do, cause I would!! HANG THE F*** UP AND DRIVE!!!! Thankfully it is once again ILLEGAL to do so in Oregon now! ;)

<takes a few deep breaths and ends rant>