Having a problem after shipping a part

After doing a little catch up, RTMike, you listed a 2 threads to check out about how well things went and the poster you sent us to read up on was banned. (Why I don't know but while reading this, I think I'm getting an idea)

Now, your Valiant422 who got banned and feel stiffed by the OE poster here today.

Right or wrong?

I didn't understand this post at all. I didn't send anyone any where. And if I understand your second paragraph you think I'm Valiant422?
No, I'm "472 R/T SE" on the forums that "rtmike" hasn't been taken.

I get emails every month from y'all missing me around here. So where's the love? :love7:

I was bored so I thought I'd dig into this fiasco. Prolly cause the buyer said the entire forum was taking the seller's side. I tend to lean towards the underdog until all is settled.