the what pisses u off thread

Might as well chime in:

what infuriates me is anyone who hurts a child. Purposely. Willfully. Or those people who negligently put a child at risk, like the cellphone drivers mentioned quite a bit. Wow, I just had an accident 'cause I'm so self important that I injured my child. Feel sorry for me! Nope, I feel sorry for the innocent child who was along for the ride and had no control over the fact that mommy or daddy was so selfish they couldn't think of the child in the backseat. Or the people who put kids at risk by pushing strollers into traffic because they think the sidewalk on the other side is somehow going to be magically swallowed up by a mini-earthquake before they get there. The crosswalk and the light is usually twenty feet further up the street, but nope, we're going to wait for that break in traffic and run! Because the time we saved is so much more important than the safety of the kid in the stroller.

Now for what pisses my off:

Some of you guys mention the saggin pants. What pisses me off is the mentallity which leads to that. Every other year here the school district brings up the idea of uniforms and the kids cry about it. "It will take away my individuality," they scream. Really? Have you looked around, dumbass? You all dress the same anyway. And you look stupid doing it!