the what pisses u off thread

People that pull out of a driveway in front of me even though i'm the only car on the road, and if they could have waited two more seconds they might not have needed to make me slam on the brakes to avoid t-boning them. Or people that cut you off in traffic because they weren't looking or using a turn signal then flip you the bird when you blast them with the horn like its their constitutional right to drive like an idiot without any regard to anyone else on the road.

Vegetarians/vegans who feel the need to preach about how much better they are than everyone else at every oppurtunity. I mean, come on, when you eat vegetables you are still responsible for killing something that was alive once. Just do us all a favor and go ahead and starve to death.

but the absolute worst is people that abuse/neglect/harm children in any way. They should all go directly to death row, no appeals, no waiting.

okay, rant over.
