the what pisses u off thread

i love to watch cops and see these assbags with the low pants try an get outta the car and run from the cops while holding their pants up the whole time, always puts a smile on my face

Oh and too many things piss me off to list but here are a couple...

Assholes who give you dirty loos when they pull up beside your bitchin car in a Prius.... its not my fault your wife wont let you drive a cool car and youre wearing a skirt in there.

mall security

cops who stop to give you one ticket then look over your car to see if they can give you some more

The "healthy" menu at a fast food joint. i go there to not be healthy

white guys who dress like theyre in the bloods

white guys who think they are in the bloods

high school kids who try and start a gang then realize the the freshman girls can beat the crap outta everyone in the "gang"

the list goes on...

im kinda like Clive Owen from the movie Shoot Em Up.