Buyers beware of John Geitz Jr.

First off nobody has listed this guys user name on this site so who knows who he could be. He has not even responded to this thread as of yet. But why would he? Some folks have already hung him out to dry. His given name is out there for all FABO land to see. Where is this guy?? Out to sea? We are a Navy family and they dont just call you to work and ship you off to somewhere, (unless you are a SEAL or its prelude to war) so he should be easy to track down. He lives in Jersey so perhaps he is in Norfolk? A call to someone there in Consumer/Navy Affairs should net an answer as to his wherabouts and what 'ship' he is assigned to. For all you landlubbers a 'ship' is not in all cases a 'big boat'. Its his assigned area on a base. He could be a cook or maybe a welder or something of the like. C.N.A. will not tell you his wherabouts but will tell you if he is working on the base. Once this is done you will be able to get ahold of him for answers.