Craftsman tools made in CHINA

The real story is the unions. Always looking to start trouble.
We had a plant here that asked the employees to take a one
dollar cut in pay to keep the plant opened. These were people
that were making $13.00 to $17.00 to push a button on a
machine. The union stepped in and said no cut in pay. Guess what?
THE PLANT CLOSED. No more jobs. The union leaders don't care.
They still get there paychecks.

Why do some people always want to blame the unions first, foremost, and absolute?? A union worker is just another American worker that refuses to work for $1.00 per day while the CEO and other top company officials work for $5000.00 a day. Sure some people are greedier than others but if you want to put absolute blame, follow what a whole bunch of other people stated in this thread and place the blame equally from the top dog down to bottom of the ladder. China workers are no different than American workers other that the fact that there are a billion more of them competing for the same jobs. They work hard for what little money they get and try to do the best they can with what they're given. Union leaders in this country don't care mostly because they're American leaders that have decided they're value is more important than the workers value just the same as company leaders and polital leaders. So the moral of the story is if you are willing to work for a dollar a day with no benefits whatsoever and don't give a darn if your company CEO makes 15mil a year doing nothing, then more products will be made in America. But the economy has proven time and time again, the average American worker refuses to work for a dollar a day and no benefits.