Get my car to launch better...

Quit wasting your time with street tires. Get some slicks so you can actually find out how it performs without any tire slipping.

I used to put my rims with slicks in the back seat, my jackstands and jack in the trunk, and tools on the passenger side floor. You can drive to the track and swap to the slicks in the pits. Otherwise you will never get a true read on how the car will perform. JMHO. Plus this way you can tease the guys that trailer in slower cars.

You mentioned pinion snubber; is it an adjustable snubber? Once you put some slicks on it, experiment with it until you find out what it likes to leave at. Don't be afraid to beat on it some also. My big block 71 Duster didn't like to leave without less than 5300rpm. Everyone else there thought I was crazy launching that hard, but she'd stumble everytime if I tried with less. Of course everyone else was running much lighter cars with automatics also.