Rear band removal?

It depends on how much fluid your converter holds as to how much fluid came out but you can figure on at least 6 quarts and maybe 7 or 8.

As for the rear band, you don't need to take it out to get the servo out. You will have to remove the tailshaft and push the rod out that the lever pivots on. Then you can get the servo out.

Years ago we used to flat rate this operation because the pin o ring would leak. What you do is take a cold chisel and knock the tab off the tailshaft housing that keeps the pin from backing out then push the pin out to reach the o ring with a hooked seal pick by using a long skinny screwdriver above the valvebody to push on the pin. Push the pin back in when done then remove the wire harness clip from the top bolt of the tailshaft housing to transmission case and fashion it to hold the pin from backing out. It works fine and doesn't cause any durability issues. Just to let you know there alternatives. I'm sure there are some here that may say it's butchering but when you are working flatrate, especially for warranty time you do what you have to do.

Oh and your dipstick is fine.