The most interesting thing you know...

Theres a greater population living in the state of New York than all of Canada. (They are really cool people, I just don't understand French.)

New York City is made up of 5 counties & 3 Islands, then theres the rest of the world.

If you broke off the 2 boros called Kings (Brooklyn) and Queens , put them aside, to compare, they would be the 3rd and 4th largest cities in the U.S.A.

It'll take you about a 1/2hour to travel south to north on long island, but over 2 hours west to east. No traffic conditions.
Yep, it's reallllllly long. Ruffly 25 X 120 miles.

The Island would rank 96 as a country & 12th in state population, if it were a state with approx. 8 million living on this sandbar. Beachs are wonderful.

Click this for a time wasting read about where I live.

If ya ever wanna come on over, the Island goes from True city life to farms of potato's Horses and vineyards that have bested the best in world compotion. (Ha ha ha a on the French)
Click this;