the what pisses u off thread

I'm gonna addsome more

Ug boots and mini skirts in winter- WTF are you girls on? it's cold!

falling down pants- yea I had baggy as jeans in HS but yet I stil wore a belt so you couldn't see my boxers.

people tailgating me on the highway 'cause they wanna see how fast I can go

people flooring it at the stoplight and pointing at me saying "HAHA I beat your car". no you didn't I just don't wanna cause an accident

the "hey there's a rust spot on your car". yea it's F-in 40 years old, that happens

going to shows and having the guy that paid other people to restore their car looking at my car and saying how it should be 100% restored before I take it to a cruise.

being asked why I didn't buy a mustang