
Â…and even if you think it through really carefully and decide that the reasons to go on living don't outweigh the reasons not to, even if you hit upon a (nonexistent) perfect, sure-fire method, there's nothing such as a painless suicide for those you leave behind. No matter whether you base your behavioural decisions on religion, ethics, or just plain manners, that's a really crappy thing to do to anyone else, even someone you don't know.

Everyone means well when they talk about how much you've got to live for, etc. Of course, they can't really know what you're feeling, even if you're talking to them. This decision isn't theirs, it's your job is to choose to take a less drastic, more effective approach to solving whatever has got you feeling so awful. There are lots of people ready and able to help, and you've already taken the first step by asking for help here (even if that's not exactly what you said, or the kind of help you thought you were asking for). The next step's a little easier than the first one, and the next one after that's a little easier...