Help me bombard the phone of the guy who scammed me! Also, anyone in St. Louis?

The only address i have is
174 Kinswood Lane
St. Louis MO 63129

Thank goodness i used a money order and kept the stubs. I have no written correspondence with the guy. But Money Orders are the best since they will only turn to cash if your ID matches the name it is filled out to...

And since I am sure he cashed them he should be toast after they investigate...

Bargeahead, We're getting all the info together and then we'll formulate a plan. Works better that way, but the cop thing does sound good. Ringy, you gave a St Louis address, do you have a Frederickstown address? That's the reason for two different prefixs on the phone #s. Let me know what you find out from the PO. I'm gettin a hankerin to go look at some chevy parts for some cars i dont have and never will.
Small Block