
I'm 21. It's been 10 years for me. Dealing with it everyday on and off. I have my good days and my bad days. Come close a couple times. My excuse? Nothing. I've never done drugs didn't drink til I graduated(this is not a solution ether DO NOT drink while depressed, If your like me it just worsens the feelings).

Mike read this site. Found it a couple years back and I've read it every time I've felt bad enough to actually contemplate a method.

Mike if I can be a beacon of any kind of hope. Hold on, life kicks the sh*t out of you, but you know what It's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how many times you get back up and continue the fight.

Gimme a shout man, I've been there. trust me keep your head up and you'll keep going. Another site I'm on, We lost a guy... I don't know all the details but he took his own life. Greatest guy on the site imo, but he never said anything to anyone about his problems. Don't let ANYONE say different. The first step is telling people you have an issue. Next step is finding your way of dealing with it. some go to therapy, some talk to friends, some bottle it and deal with it as it comes. My decision has been to deal with it. I don't recommend it. But everyone is different.

I hope this finds you before you make any rash decisions. I don't know anyone elses history on this subject but if you havn't talked to someone who's been there yet gimme a shout. I'll pm you my number call me anytime it's long distance but there should be a way to call collect.