
Warmest wishes and any good carma I have I'm sending to you.
Please remember you have alot of people here who enjoy your company and we want to continue to do so.
I'm sure after a short time and the winter melt off, when spring hits you will have a different view.
I really do hope things get better for you. You really seem to have alot going for you.
Life always deals nasty blows and it is never fair. The best people seem to suffer the most.
Good Luck & well wishes sent. Please keep us posted and don't be afraid to come here to talk.
It sounds like from the last few post things are going in the right direction.
I'm sure I can speak for the rest, Please keep in touch with us.

I have to tell you thanks for the words of encouragement that you have written me here in the past. When I felt really down on things you sent me a quick post of only a few words but they helped me and made me feel better. I have not forgotten, Thank You for your kind words and concern you showed me.
I hope to keep hearing from you and enjoying your other post to friends here.You sometimes help other people when you don't even know it.8)