the what pisses u off thread

You wanna know what pisses me off?
  1. Big @$$ rims and band-aid tires on a classic car.
  2. Flashy candy-@$$ paint jobs not even close to stock on a classic car (example: chip foose paint).
  3. Gangsta man with pants around his ankles.
  4. :sign3:Gangsta man's friend with his rap so loud you can't hear youself think.
  5. :sign3:Gangsta man's other friend that thinks a cadillacs with big @$$ rims and band-aid tires along with a flashy candy-@$$ paint job is cool.
  6. Little asian's and their rice-burners with fart can mufflers that think they can smoke anything on the road (I've smoked hundreds of them with my bone-stock slant six).
  7. Guys at school who ask me "hey your that guy that drives the Nova right?" It's a Dodge Dart, get it right!
  8. When people stop right in the middle of the hallway at school to hug their boyfriend/girlfriend that's probably cheatin' on them with their best friend.
  9. People who don't like classic rock (that's the only real kind of music there is :rock:)
  10. People that drive ridiculously slow.
I think that sums it up for now...