
My older brother did this and SUCEEDED!! All over a chic! He left two kids from his ex marriage that went belly up! Not mention his own mother and father and me! Trust me, there is NOTHING in this word that is worth doing this for, not to mention how selfish it would be on your part to do this to the ones left behind that care about you! Sure you're feeing down and out but that will pass in time. It always does!!! As it has been said many times by the experts, suicide is a cry for help and it is! You know it as sure as anyone. Don't be to proud or embarrased to ask for help! No one is indestructible and everyone needs help at one time or another in their lifetime to get past a dark time in their lives.

The biggest loser in suicide is the person who does the deed to themselves. Everyone else will live with it forever, but life for them will go on with the hole that YOU left in them.

Think about it!!!