
As one who came awful close to doing it, let me say, DON'T DO IT!!!!

i don't know your situation, but you are obviously in pain and despair, these are only temporary. When my wife sprang it on me that she wanted out, it was like the floor was pulled out from underneath me, life was hollow, empty, I didn't want to go on, I tried to think of other things, but I couldn't. I mad it thru the first week, then ten days and, finally, the pain subsided and I was able to think straight again.

Life is very very precious, and fragile. Get thru whatever crisis you are in, put your energy towards the healing, not the pain. Ask God for help!!!! it is amazing the ways in which He will help you and you don't even realize it until later.

Bayyum, you have a large family of friends here on FABO, please let us be here for you and help you thru this.