Brutal reality....

Steve, he has a chance to do what ever he wants to do. The direction he takes is his own will and not one to be shoved upon him by me or anyone else. He'll ethier hang himself or not. I beileve in giving enuff rope so you can do just that or not.

His voice/opinion is fine to express. Beating others up will get you into trouble. I've been shouted at, brow (sp?) beaten a bit and had a few try to shame me for a reason. I have not banned any of them because of it. He is no different.

I did have a few choice words to state. They also apply to all, bar none. Granted, no one is an angle, myself included and have so been told here on this board and others. So, I step back, relax, and try and find away to restate myself. OR, I just simplely STFU.

Most agree that this forum and it's sisters are preety good places where banning doesn't happen for no reason and reasons for it are justified. Everyone fly's off the handle sometimes and should be excused for it. It happens, where human.

Constant harrasment, spammers, there gone fast. With pleasure.

He's still welcomed here and I won't beat him up on any prior statement. He can come on and sit right down, no problem.