the what pisses u off thread

People who wear hats in restaurants while eating. Especially the older men, I'm 40 and know better, they should too. Men who wear earrings. Kids with all the staples (jewelry) in their face.
People who won't stop for pedestrians in a cross walk. I'm a mailman and that pisses me off to no end. Since I'm on the mailman thing, if it's broke, fix your freaking mailbox. Don't hide your mailbox. Is it easier for you to check your mail than it is for the carrier to deliver? If so, move the box so the carrier doesn't have to walk 100' out of his way to service your box. keep your damn dog in the house, don't worry about how the dog will react to me, worry about how I'll react to your dog. I will spray dogs!
It's called a snow shovel, use it. That whole sleet, snow, rain or gloom of night thing is ****. If I can get hurt getting to your box, I won't service it. Dumb asses who call me "Cliff". really? are you that un-original?
Off the soap box now!