Wives/Girlfriends = Car Women

My son (~9) is my chief assistant in the garage. It is another great example of how home schooling works so well for us. He does not say that much when I try to explain things to him but he promptly explains everything in the finest detail to his mother and sisters when he gets back in the house. Go figure! We put the syndicated Alice Cooper radio show on and I am educating him properly with classic rock 'n roll. :snakeman:

At age 7, he was politely showing his mother the difference between disc and drum brakes on a rental car while we were in Hawai'i. Obviously, he is picking something up along the way.

My eldest daughter (12) is my official project photographer as she tries out her digital camera. I cannot help there as we still like our film SLR.

My wife and middle daughter (10) will come out for a look now and again in the garage. I am satisfied with that level of effort.