scammer got me! help

Sorry to hear of your dilemna.

I'm in the IT Security field, and there are numerous ways that your ebay account could have been compromised.

You could contact your IS provider and discuss the dilemna. They may be able to do some forensics work to determine if your IP was accessed without your knowledge. This would involve looking into their server event logs, as a start.

If you are not running an up-to-date, patched PC, please take the time to do that. If you are a Windows user, Microsoft offers a free software update service that you should participate in.

You should also, of course, run a firewall(s), anti-virus S/W that is regularly updated, anti-spam S/W that is also regularly updated.

You should NEVER - EVER responded to emails from sources that you did not expect to receive email from, if you were not expecting mail at that time, from that source.

NEVER - EVER open suspicious email annd like-wise do not ever follow any suspicious link or attachment in any such email.

You can look in your PC's event log to see if someone scanned your PC, looking for an open port or a vulnerabilty.

Regularly visit legitimate sites like Symantec, Cnet, and the like, then read the literature on computer security, following the recommendations.

Only YOU should know your password to your PC; NO ONE ELSE including family.

If you are conducting financial business transactions, you need to take every precaution I outlined above. Otherwise, you are risking your financial records to compromise.

Hope this helps.