Wives/Girlfriends = Car Women

To each their own is how I look at it. Some women hate it, some love it, and many fill up the gray area in between and at least tolerate it! As long as the support is mutual and it works for the "team", then all's fair in love and war!

Me? I'm not afraid to do it all....Scott eats, sleeps and breaths cars....when he approached me with the concept of opening his own business to work on performance cars, I figured I'd better join in or I'd never see him so it became OUR business. I run the office side of the shop for him so he can do what he loves to do... I also coordinate the fun things like going on trips, going to the drag strip, etc. I wash the cars, tow the cars to the track, drive the cars when necessary, race the cars, change oil if needed, swap parts, and give an extra set of hands when needed. I have LOTS of practice so when it's time for me to help with MY car, I'll at least have a clue.
And my daughter WILL know how to change her own oil, flat tire, etc. I think it is important to know those things whether you're a boy or girl. Plus whether you like cars on a performance level or not, you still have to drive one every day!
Our daughter does enjoy the car thing too. She loves the car shows, at the track she videos all Dad's runs, she helps clean the cars, etc. Since she was two, she has always loved to go for rides with Dad- and so do her friends. One of the hot rods is always getting volunteered as the "limo" for school dances. Last year was our Camaro, this year it will be the 8 second '73 Challenger...the funny part is the girls don't care that they have to climb over the rollcage in their fancy dresses! They plan to wear shorts underneath!