Look who's back!

Ben, it's terrific to have you back home again! I've missed your witty posts and great sense of humor around here ... seems we've been infested with some rather rude newbies of late who could benefit from your counsel.
I hope your medical issues are resolved and you get back on your feet in all ways soon.

Thanks for the kind words Leanna. Most of the issues have been dealt with and am still working on others.

I'm with Leanna. Some of the newbie's need a little lesson in manners! They come on here like they own the place.
Glad you're back at it, and there is an employer who will be blessed when they find you!

bama, I am sure the newbies will figure it out sooner or later. Let's just see if we can make it a little sooner. ;)

Welcome back Ben...Now get to work. I dont know it all....YET.
Small Block

Thanks Bill. It also looks like congratulations are in order. Welcome to the dark side. ;)

Oh boy Oh Boy your back!!!!

Thanks Curtis. I'm sure you guys having been keeping the peace in my absence. Either way, you have another pair of eyeballs to help out.

I'm sorry

Ok avarageerod ... what have you done since I have been gone? ;)