Anyone Near Akron Ny??? Need Some Help!

Now that's what I'm talkin' about. With the recent influx of bad deals going around here, it's nice to have someone step up to the plate and take care of business the FABO way. Chas, you rock my friend. Thats the way to take care of each other, I'm really impressed!!! Geof

Yep he did me a huge favor, even opened it up made sure I didnt get ripped, repacked in a smaller pack to save some $$$. Now I gotta figure out how to get some milk-in-a-bag to him without it going sour!! It would be great if we could set something like this up, but I think it would work great just the way it did with Chas and I. Put a help wanted out there for shipping and see if another member is willing to step up and help. Sumpin's coming chas's way, just havent figured out what yet.